About us
Your case is handled by the law firm behind advocaatnaamswijziging.nl, Advocatenkantoor Appelman (located in Alkmaar, the Netherlands). Our team of four lawyers assists clients nationwide in requests for name changes.
About lawyer Edward Appelman, working at Advocatenkantoor Appelman:
“Since 2018, I have been working as a lawyer in the field of family and personal law. In this area of law, you often deal with matters that have a significant impact on daily life. This includes first names: they are an important part of your identity and who you are. I find great satisfaction in being able to assist clients (successfully) in changing their first names so they can ‘move forward’ with their lives. Whether it’s a matter of a namesake, a change of name due to a spelling error, or due to inconvenience: all cases are equally important to me. I place a high value on personal contact and a prompt handling of your request.”
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Judgment of the North Holland District Court dated January 13, 2023
That’s why you choose us
- 98.9% success rate;
- Also available pro bono;
- Free and non-binding assessment in advance;
- Your application is treated with complete confidentiality (of course);
- Nationwide handling of your request, including any court hearings in the Netherlands.
Initiative behind advocaatnaamswijziging.com
Advocaatnaamswijziging.com is an initiative of Appelman Law Firm, located in Alkmaar, the Netherlands. As a firm, we offer the quality of a large office along with the advantages of a small organization. We know our clients, are flexible, and can keep costs low. Due to our small team, communication lines are short.
Law Firm Appelman
Visiting Address:
Nieuwlandersingel 53
1814CK Alkmaar, the Netherlands
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3127 1801 GC Alkmaar, the Netherlands
Phone: (+31) 072 – 512 3229
Email: info@advocaatnaamswijziging.nl
AdvocaatNaamswijziging.com is an initiative of Law Firm Appelman (Advocatenkantoor Appelman), the Netherlands