Judgment of the Zeeland-West-Brabant District Court dated February 18, 2020
The petitioner is originally from Morocco. In the past, he discovered that he was attracted to men. Because his…

Judgment of the District Court of The Hague dated February 18, 2020
The petitioner experiences significant discomfort from his official first name. The name…

Judgment of the Limburg District Court of February 17, 2020
Petitioner emigrated from Thailand to the Netherlands around 2010. Shortly before that, she had changed her first…

Judgment of the District Court of Central Netherlands dated February 17, 2020
The petitioner strongly dislikes their official first names, Marcella Catherine.* This is because these names remind…

Judgment of the District Court of Central Netherlands dated February 14, 2020
Requesters have a son who is a few weeks old. The pregnancy period was very traumatic for the requester due to…

Judgment of the Rotterdam District Court dated June 10, 2020
Requester experiences daily inconvenience from her official first name. This is partly…

Judgment of the Oost-Brabant District Court dated January 21, 2020
The applicant is originally from China and has been experiencing strong discomfort with his official first name…

Judgment of the District Court of The Hague on January 19, 2020
The court judgment highlights that the petitioner experiences strong hindrance in her…

Judgment of the District Court of The Hague dated January 16, 2020
The applicants have a one-month-old daughter. They have given their daughter one first name. After the birth of…