Judgment of the Overijssel District Court dated May 6, 2021
The petitioner is of the female sex but at around the age of 13, they discovered that they identify…

Judgment of the Overijssel District Court dated May 6, 2021
The applicant is of female gender but around the age of 14, he discovered that he identifies…

Ruling of the District Court of Central Netherlands dated May 6, 2021
The applicant was originally given the name Jessica* at her birth, in accordance with the wishes…

Judgment of the District Court of Central Netherlands on May 6, 2021
The petitioner is of Dutch origin and came into contact with Hinduism in 2003. This led to him…

Judgment of the Zeeland-West-Brabant District Court of April 22, 2021
The petitioner is of half-Turkish origin and was given both Dutch and Turkish first names at birth. Although he…

Judgment of the District Court of Midden-Nederland on April 21, 2021
Petitioner is of Surinamese origin and experiences daily discomfort due to her first name. She…

Judgment of the District Court of The Hague on April 28, 2021
The petitioner is of Nigerian origin and has experienced inconvenience from her first name since…

Decision of the Gelderland District Court dated April 15, 2021
The petitioner has been dealing with identity theft since around 2019. Other individuals use…

Judgment of the North Holland District Court of August 19, 2020
The petitioner is originally from Bosnia and experiences significant inconvenience in her daily…