Ruling of the Overijssel District Court dated April 2, 2021
Petitioner and the father have a daughter. At the birth of their daughter, they chose two first…

Judgment of the Limburg Court on March 31, 2021
The petitioner experiences inconvenience due to his first name because he was wrongly associated…

Judgment of the Central Netherlands District Court on March 29, 2021
The petitioner has been using the name Marijke* her entire life, but at her birth, her parents forgot to officially…

Judgment of the Central Netherlands District Court on March 24, 2021
The petitioner has been using her third given name as her preferred name instead of her first name since she was…

Judgment of the Central Netherlands District Court on March 22, 2021
The petitioner has been using the name Milan* his entire life, but this common name is…

Judgment of the North Holland District Court on March 19, 2021
The petitioner uses the first name Saffira* in her daily life and is known as such by…

Judgment of the North Holland District Court on March 17, 2021
The petitioner has experienced a challenging childhood. This is because her parents separated…

Judgment of the Overijssel District Court on March 12, 2021
The petitioner hails from Syria and has lived there under harsh conditions. He adheres to the Christian faith,…

Judgment of the Rotterdam District Court on March 10, 2021
The petitioner recently had her first name changed by the court but, upon the conclusion of the three-month appeals…