Judgment of the District Court of The Hague dated February 11, 2021
Petitioners hold both Vietnamese and Dutch nationality. They recently had a daughter, who is, therefore, also Vietnamese.…

Judgment of the Amsterdam District Court of February 10, 2021
Petitioner has been using the first name Anne since birth, but her parents forgot to report it…

Ruling of the District Court of The Hague dated February 9, 2021
The petitioner originally hails from Afghanistan. Her name is uncommon in the Netherlands and often mispronounced,…

Judgment of the District Court of The Hague dated February 9, 2021
Applicant is originally from Afghanistan. She experiences significant inconvenience due to her official first name…

Judgment of the District Court of Central Netherlands dated February 4, 2021
A child of 14 years (not the actual age) has several first names. These names are a reference to his father, but…

Judgment of the District Court of The Hague dated February 4, 2021
The applicant was named after her father's good friend. Her mother was married to her…

Judgment of the District Court of Central Netherlands dated February 4, 2021
Petitioners have two children. For their first child, Jean-Paul*, they gave a name with a hyphen, believing all…

Judgment of the Amsterdam District Court dated February 3, 2021
The petitioner bears the name Caroline.* In the Netherlands, the name is pronounced as spelled,…

Judgment of the District Court of The Hague dated January 28, 2021
The petitioner originally comes from Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, it is sometimes customary to name a child after a good…