Judgment of the District Court of Central Netherlands dated February 4, 2021

Petitioners have two children. For their first child, Jean-Paul*, they gave a name with a hyphen, believing all along that such a name would be considered as two names (with two initials). After registering the birth, they realized that the name is, in fact, considered as one name when it includes a hyphen. Their youngest child was named after a grandparent, and this child does have two names.

Petitioners regret that their oldest child essentially has only one name and would like to take the opportunity to give the child a second name, naming them after one of the parents and making the names of the children as similar as possible regarding the naming after the parents.

The court rules that petitioners have a significant enough reason to give their oldest child an additional first name and grants the request. The child will now also be named after the grandfather. A court hearing was not necessary.

  • Real name is fictional.