Judgment of the Rotterdam District Court dated February 27, 2023

On February 27, 2023, the Rotterdam District Court granted the request for a change of first name by the petitioner. The petitioner is transgender and can no longer identify with her current official first names. The use of these first names has caused her significant distress for some time. She is undergoing treatment at a specialized mental health care institution and has decided to change her first name to [X]. Although she is aware that she can also change her gender through the municipality, this is not currently an option due to a waiting list. The petitioner is determined to change her name and gender and has already adopted the desired nickname [X] in her daily life.

The petitioner believes she has a compelling interest in this change of first name. She can no longer identify with her current official first names due to their masculine nature, and the informal use of the nickname [X] is not sufficient. The petitioner is of the opinion that the requested change is justified and does not violate Article 1:4 of the Dutch Civil Code.

Based on these arguments, the court granted the petitioner’s request for a change of first name. From now on, she can officially use the name [X], which will also be officially recorded in her Dutch passport after the conclusion of the appeal period.

*Due to the lack of a legal gender-neutral description, the term “verzoekster” is used here in accordance with the petitioner’s designation.