Judgment of the East Brabant District Court of June 30, 2020
Location: rechtspraak.nl (ECLI:NL:RBOBR:2020:3370).
The petitioner is transgender and was born female. In the…

Judgment of The Hague District Court of June 29, 2020
The petitioner has been using a different nickname from her official name since a young age. As she has been using…

Judgment of the Rotterdam District Court of June 24, 2020
The petitioner experiences inconvenience in daily life due to his official first name,…

Judgment of the Rotterdam District Court of June 10, 2020
The petitioner wishes to change his first names through a request to the court, adopting…

Verdict of the Amsterdam court of June 3, 2020
The requesters have two daughters, who are almost finished with their vocational education.

Judgment of the Amsterdam District Court dated May 27, 2020
The petitioner has gone by the first name José* since birth. For unknown reasons, the petitioner's parents apparently…

Judgment of the Amsterdam District Court dated May 13, 2020
The applicant wants to change his first name and provides the following reasons for it.

Judgment of the Noord-Holland District Court dated May 13, 2020
Petitioners are of Moroccan origin and both have parental authority over their son. Their son is only a few months…

Judgment of the Limburg District Court dated May 13, 2020
The petitioner experiences daily inconvenience due to his official first name. This is…