Judgment of the District Court of Oost-Brabant dated February 21, 2021

The petitioner comes from a family where mental and physical abuse was a daily occurrence. The petitioner’s parents struggled with psychological issues, which had a profound impact on the petitioner and the family situation. The petitioner was placed in foster care a few years ago, escaping the abusive environment. His aversion to his first name began at a young age but intensified when his mother started using the name as an insult during arguments.

During his teenage years, the petitioner took steps to break free from the family situation, coming into contact with Child Protection Services. This led to his removal from the family home and a period of therapy. Although changing his first name wasn’t a priority at the time, he realized that his name was a significant hindrance in his daily life, as it constantly reminded him of his traumatic past.

The termination of parental authority via a court procedure, initiated by Child Protection Services, strengthened the petitioner’s resolve to change his first name. He viewed it as a form of redemption for his tumultuous childhood. As he prepares to pursue higher education and embark on a new life, he believes that adopting a new name is essential to sever ties with painful memories associated with his current name.

The first name continues to cause significant distress in the petitioner’s daily life. The District Court of East Brabant finds that the petitioner has demonstrated a sufficiently compelling reason for the name change request and grants the petition.